Re-design a fascinating opinion
Lou Rosenfeld presented a fascinating talk at the London UX 2011 conference titled Redesign Must Die. Obviously this is quite a contentious heading for a talk presented to people who make their living from redesign. He primarily presented the University of Michigan's website and its extremely regular redesign strategy. Essentially asserting that the redesigns seemed limitless and a waste of money... Now one element that has always generally irked me when design projects for customers is that I have always felt they do not understand the potential for the software. Actually more precisely it is not the customer's narrow vision, but more the sales/management idea that this should be so rigidly adhered to. Essentially the customer will ask for exactly what they have already only incrementally improved, the famous quote attributed to Ford sums it up "If I had asked the consumers they would have told me they wanted faster horse...". So when Lou tal...