Hypotheses are for testing, but assumption is the mother of disaster
If I were to ask what is the most important element to being a good programmer I would say the ability to avoid making assumptions and instead make hypotheses that can be tested. Knowing you are right because you have data to back it up will allow projects to remain on track. Ploughing on based on guess work and things a colleague told you once (without providing you with data & methodology to back up these statements) will likely lead to ruin. I does not matter how long someone is programming it is always possible that someone heard something once, took it as gospel and never tested it to make sure it was true. I encountered this with a couple of colleagues and an SQL query. The SQL query was built from a ORM-like query generator and included the syntax WHERE 1=1. Both my manager and a senior developer stated, "well that is the problem WHERE 1=1 will always cause a full table scan rather than use indexes". When I looked at the same query I thought that the table...