Intersystems Cache Indexing Shocker - How to Fix Sluggish Queries
Photo: Markus Spiske / / CC-BY When going through a performance review of a grid on the website, I was struggling to see why the query was taking so long. It was a single table query with a single where clause which was on an indexed field. This indexed field could only contain 5 different values and the query was return fewer than 100 entries but was taking over 1 second. On other lower powered servers the query was taking less than a third of a second and often returning more data albeit on a smaller total data set. Checking the query plan revealed something interesting, the query was not using the index but was instead performing a whole table scan. Further testing revealed that only "=" queries use indexes. "!=" ignore indexes as do any queries with "OR" or "IN". After further investigation I found that if you only return the ID then NOT, OR , IN queries do use indexes, however, if you return any other field inc...